Swindon networkers back Global Entrepreneurship Week with event aimed at developing business

November 11, 2013

Long-running networking group Swindon Business Village is supporting Global Entrepreneurship Week by inviting non-members to an upcoming meeting and hosting talks aimed at helping businesses develop.

During Global Entrepreneurship Week, which runs from November 18-24, Swindon Business Village will gear its regular Thursday breakfast meeting on November 21 to encouraging current and aspiring entrepreneurs to take a step forward in their plans, whether that’s starting a business, seizing a new opportunity or developing an existing business.

Swindon Business Village meets every Thursday from 7.30-9am at the Holiday Inn Express, near M4 junction 16 and attracts a wide range of businesses from professional firms, to SMEs, to sole traders and start-ups.

Its founders believe they and other regular ‘villagers’ have  a wealth of experience to offer to support budding new and young businesses, as well as those established which want to develop.

“Although we are a networking group and in the business of doing business, we are also very supportive towards each other and to new businesses coming through the door, and everyone is very happy to impart their advice and support freely,” said co-founder Steve Dye, of Search Internet Marketing.

“There have been many occasions when our expertise, collectively, has helped new businesses get off the ground, either with some free advice or by providing the necessary services. That’s why we want to support Global Entrepreneurship Week and would encourage any new, or established businesses wanting to develop, to come along and see what we have to offer.”

The November 21 event will comprise its usual element of networking, round table introductions and referrals. But there will also be two short presentations: Charlotte Mannion, of training consultancy Quicklearn, will talk about how to get the most out of networking, while Chris Farnsworth, of Raising the Baa, which stages teambuilding and training events  with sheep, will talk about composing and delivering a great one-minute pitch.

Business Village’s other founder members – Mary Hoffman, of law firm Hoffman Male, IT support specialist Hew Helps, and branding expert Martin Warnes of Warnes ID Co – will also be on hand to chat to newcomers.

Business Village calls itself a “friendly, relaxed networking group” and has been running for more than seven years. Attendees pay £10 per week for breakfast, plus a £25 one-off joining to become full members and attend regularly.

Global Entrepreneurship Week is well-established in the business calendar, last year attracting 279,500 people attended more than 3,200 events, run by 532 partner organisations across the UK – a 30% increase on the year before. 

To book on to the Business Village entrepreneurship event visit www.businessvillage.org or for more information email Steve Dye at steve@searchinternetmarking.co.uk. For more information about Global Entrepreneurship Week visit www.gew.org.uk 



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