Budding young entrepreneurs are being offered help to start up in business thanks to a new scheme launched in the South West.
The Start-Up Loans scheme aims to help anyone aged between 18 and 24 years old to ‘free the business in you’.
The £82.5m national scheme was launched by the Government and Dragons’ Den star and entrepreneur James Caan and aims to help 30,000 new businesses get off the ground.
In the first month since its launch South West Investment Group (SWIG), the company distributing the funding across the South West, has received 200 inquiries that have resulted in support for eight entrepreneurs, while a further 37 applications are being processed.
John Peters from SWIG said: “We’re really excited about helping young people kick-start their business ideas with this funding.
“The South West is an area that encourages younger people to start their own businesses
“Amounts are flexible with a typical loan size of £2,500, but anyone who hasn’t got a business plan needn’t worry. SWIG will be able to put them in touch with someone in their area who can help with those first steps.”
For details contact John or Melissa at South West Investment Group on 01872 223883