£1.3m redevelopment to provide supported housing for young people

May 27, 2010

Jephson Homes Housing Association has redeveloped the site of a former garage in Swindon to provide a supported housing project for eight young people. The first residents have recently started to move into their new homes.

The £1.3million development of Ellis House on the site of the former Days Garage in Albion Street was made possible by a £600,000 investment by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The new development has greatly improved the area providing a distinctive local landmark corner building.

The site has a lengthy planning history and Jephson worked closely with Swindon Borough Council to bring the project to fruition. Careful attention was paid to the design of the building to ensure it was in keeping with the traditional street scene. The glazed corner panel and careful layout of the windows were designed to reflect and mirror the corner shop opposite, thus producing an “arcade vision” effect, whilst also allowing plenty of natural light into the flats

Jephson Supported Housing Manager Deborah Schofield said: “This scheme will offer residents their first experience of independent living at an affordable rent and with staff support. Ellis House is geared to 18 – 24 year olds who are attending college or in employment but are not yet ready to take on their own place without some support.”

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