High stakes in low power electronics seminar

February 9, 2009

Silicon South West, the network for the microelectronics sector in the South West of England, is holding its next seminar at the De Vere Hotel in Swindon on Friday 27th  February.
Entitled, “Power Down: New trends, technology and start-up opportunities in low power silicon and system design”, attendance at the event is free for all those involved in microelectronics innovation, start-ups, design & development, mobile technology and embedded software applications.
Silicon South West director, Simon Bond said: “Low power design is a high priority for next generation electronics products and applications. Driven by consumer demand for portability and autonomy as well as the Green agenda to ‘power down’ energy consumption, low power is an emerging opportunity for start-ups and company innovation.”
Sponsors of Silicon South West’s Power Down seminar include SWRDA and the Electronics KTN. Topics on the agenda include recent commercial developments in low power design, from harvesting energy from vibration and electric fields, to using that energy to power silicon and what that means for silicon design and system architecture, as well as the latest in low power technology for medical and mobile systems.
Expert speakers include world-renowned telecommunications researcher, Prof. Joe McGeehan of Toshiba Communications Research Labs, along with Dr Steve Morris of Innovision; Keith Errey of Toumaz Technology; Daniel Dearing of the Electronics KTN and Alastair Morfey of Cambridge Consultants. Nick Flaherty, the seminar’s Chairman, is one of the UK’s leading electronics journalists and analysts.
To reserve a place at this event, email your name, job title & company to:
events@siliconsouthwest.com Places will be issued on a “first to register” basis.

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