Mobile phone charge points installed across town

April 19, 2010

We all know that feeling when your phone gives you the low battery warning and how frustrating it can be when you have no way to top up your charge.

Luckily this is now a problem Swindon residents don’t have to worry about. A local entrepreneur has started a company, HMC Ltd, which provides out of home mobile phone charging machines in various locations around Swindon centre and Old town.

If you are waiting on an important call or are on a night out and need to keep in contact with your friends HMC Charge Point’s take away this unneeded and unwelcome stress, allowing you to keep your phone charged and ready to use, giving you the peace of mind that you wont be cut off from the world.

The charge points are capable of charging most of the popular mobile phones and can also charge iPods using rapid pulse charging technology.

There are currently 6 locations in Swindon hosting HMC Charge Points with more to follow, thses include;

The Bell Hotel, Casbah, The GW Pub, The Mailcoach, The Rolleston and Suju,

There is an information screen on each machines giving instruction on its use and also a detailed list of all the phones that are compatible with the new universal charging cable. This mini/micro USB connector is the new industry standard that all mobile phone manufacturers have agreed to use on all future phone models.

For more information on how to use the machines and the latest news, search for HMC Charge Point or join the Facebook Group.

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